Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
New Links to Check Out
This is something that the Speech Therapist is starting to implement in to Darren's speech sessions. The website is very informative about the benefits of this program. Darren is responding well. It seems to be very calming for him. We will be documenting his behaviors to see if it should be any everyday part of his routine.
Visual Schedules
We are also implementing visual schedules for Darren. We have a daily calendar at home and also have a strip of pictures in the car. The idea is for him to be able to see and visualize his day...to see what happens first, next and so on. We are hoping to reduce some of his anxiety by allowing him to process and picture his day.
Check out a new play list feature that I added today. You can listen to some of my favorite songs. Trevor still sings SO WHAT all the time. It seems to be embedded in his brain. At his teacher conference I found out that he even quietly sings it at school...oops. He told me today that he wants his own ipod and cell phone. He's 5 going on 25.
Yesterday we went bowling again. But this time we played two full games. Trevor is getting really good and Darren played the whole time!!!!! We had a blast! Here's some video:
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
YIKES...It's been awhile!!

And last...but certainly not least....Darren actually swam by himself at the pool yesterday. It was a really heart warming moment. I think I was more excited yesterday than I was watching his first steps. Why? Because I have watched this determined child WANT to swim for so long now. He saw Trevor do it this summer...and I think he has just had his mind set. The adaptive aquatics program is just phenomenal. He has really been practicing and trying....but the kid weighs almost 50 pounds and has motor planning issues...and yesterday...HE DID IT!!! He was so proud of himself...he had that little twinkle is his eye. Hooray Hooray Hooray!!
SEE...told you we had a lot going on!!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Classical Cardio
I finished my run on the treadmill today and felt great. God love Darren for staying by my side and cheering me on. He gives me that cute pointer finger approval...or yells at me if I attempt to stop and snag a drink of water..not kidding about that. So, I asked him if he wanted a turn. He seemed interested so I put his shoes on...mind you he's in his underpants...how perfect is that! So off he went. I then decided to turn on some classical music. Good choice. He smiled and seemed to really enjoy himself. He walked 3/4 of a mile!
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fall Fun

The boys and I headed back to church on Sunday. Again, with great success. Darren is starting to get comfortable going to Truro in general. Last week when we dropped off Trevor, Darren decided that he wanted to check out Trevor's classroom, so he just walked right in and started exploring. It was interesting actually. He was definitely checking the place out! Then when we came back to pick up Trevor, which we have to go downstairs to do....downstairs is also where he has the WEE Worship on Sundays. Well, again he was looking around like, hey, I was here the other day. He even went into the chapel area and was walking around. Interesting. Darren seems happy in church. He likes the music and the acoustics. He likes when I sing in his ear:) He even let out some louder sounds when the music was loud. Even a blurted out a word that could have been an "Amen" but who's to know! haha Our wonderful helper was there and things seemed to go a little better this time.
Swimming lessons were GREAT! Darren did 10 times better this week! He had the same wonderful gentleman and he didn't fight it this time. He was laughing and really and truly almost swimming. He is very close. This man earned his stripes with Darren quickly and Darren made huge improvements because of it. I got teary watching it. He was trying so hard, and having fun, and not yelling MA-MA at the top of his lungs:) Trevor is learning a lot too. He's learning how to push off the wall and then swim, and how to float on his back, and just some good basic techniques. Great program!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My Nike Commercial

Thursday's run was a different story. I just kept telling myself, JUST KEEP MOVING! My body felt so blah. That's how is goes sometimes. It's a these times you have to mentally challenge yourself. Thank god for music. I am so inspired by music. So much so sometimes that I run in tempo with whatever song is playing. This weekend Jen and I are running in a 5K that benefits Trevor's pre-school. Running in an event is a totally different experience as well. Should be fun!
Busy weekend ahead. Mark returns, the Run, Birthday Party, Church-Round 2, Swim Lessons, and hopefully some good football!
Just Live Your Life!
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

On Wednesdays we have been going to Oak Marr just to swim and play. That has been working out really well. Trevor likes to dive and rescue Spiderman in the water....while Darren likes to initiate "Shark" by saying...ba ba ba bum....(JAWs) his version is just ba ba. Then I chase him and kiss him of course once captured. That's the latest.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I said that I would share it all........
I am struggling tonight because I feel like Darren is on the verge of a major breakthrough and I feel that I am the only one who gets the privilege of seeing it on a daily basis. I bet that many other parents must share this perspective on some level.
It's hard sometimes...life is what it is. Trevor grows.....and so does Darren...just on different time schedules. Yet I have no control.....I need to just watch, trust, and learn. I'm trying...........
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sleeping in his own bed-which became an issue with Mark being gone during the week and us being "team"
Homework-working on his writing and coloring
Cleaning up-toys/games/etc
Getting dressed in the morning and brushing teeth and hair
He's doing great with it...he has always loved getting stickers:)
I am working on Darren's chart. Here's a sample of what we worked on today
Sorting silverware!! Which will lead to helping unload the dishwasher:)
All this work made him very hungry!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Trevor Is Starting to Read....kinda:)
OH!!! Another new thing is that Trevor is vey interested in learning how to read. So, since he is still into Super Hero's, we have been working on two books. He has basically memorized the books and certainly can point out important words like Spider-man, the Vulture, Batman...etc. Most importantly is that he is interested in trying.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back Into the Swing of Things
Darren is 10 feet tall these days:) He is still in the PAC (Pre-school Autism Class) but this year he is at a different Elementary School. With all the transitions he has had with teachers/bus drivers/etc....we decided it was best to not put him on the bus this year. He was averaging 45 to 60 minutes each way and it just didn't seem fair. Driving and picking up at least provides one constant in his day and let me tell you....he loves it. I think he feels more relaxed with me dropping him off, and is darn happy to see me when I come and pick him up. Seeing that smile is worth it.
He is also really enjoying playing outside with the guys. He has taught himself how to ride a two wheeled scooter....and even wears a helmet!! Just yesterday he dared to put both feet on the scooter at the same time and glide along like the rest....it's amazing to me...because he has learned all of this by watching the kids to do it...not by being told what to do.
Looks like I am going to have to stop working at PVI. With all the driving and picking up at various times...it's just been harder to put in any significant hours. It's disappointing in a way...but a relief in an other. This year is just going to be a little hectic with schedules and so forth. Gotta do what you gotta do:) and Mark is still working in DE during the week. But we are making it work :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Week 3

The Young Athletes Camps are really coming along well. This week was certainly the best yet. I thing that the kids are getting used to the routine and the parents as well. I would like to give a big round of applause to the parents and volunteers. This isn't easy. It's not like sending Trevor to Tae Kwon Do camp for 3 hours, where I drop him and and come back and get him. The parents work their tails off in an effort to get these little athletes to succeed....even if it's one kick, or one rotation without a tantrum. I am soaking wet with sweat after circle time!!!! This week Darren for the first time actually participate in circle on his own. I was shocked. Now he didn't make it the whole time. But he happily did some of it. Then it becomes a game of run away. My strategy is to stay as upbeat as possible and I try not to let him get out of doing what I know he can do. When he starts to drop and kick in an effort to escape...I take him outside and I tell him to calm down because we are going to go back in and do this together. If when we walk back in, he starts to fuss again, I turn him around and try again. My hope is that if he comes back in the gym happy, he will participate. Keep in mind that this is only the first 20 minutes, there is still 6 rotations, parachute, and kickball/and or obstacle course to go!!!! Like I said, it's hard work. I am not the only parent chasing their child down...I am not the only one encouraging them...even when there are fussing out of pure over-stimulation. Structured chaos. I mean that in a very good way. The volunteers have been wonderful with cheering on the athletes and siblings, and parents:)
The most amazing part happened during the second part of the camp. We decided to try a game of kickball. What's amazing is that we actually were able to accomplish just that!!!! I watched each kid kick the ball and run to first. The first time around, they were a bit confused...that's when the parents and volunteers really jumped in. We had a volunteer at each base greeting these proud campers. The second, and third time around...they were AWESOME. I saw these kids running on their own to first...no parents....wow....it worked!!! Then on to second then third then home...hooray!!! And most of them just kept WANTING to go again. It was a great moment. Darren was exhausted by this point. I had worked him hard at each station this time. Lisa did make him kick it once and helped him run the bases....then he was done. He just sat there....yes....sat there and watched. Ha! Trevor, did great as well. He works hard at each station and does what he is supposed to do. Such a good boy.
All in all....it really was great.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Olympics

Monday, August 4, 2008
Lots to Share!

The week after soccer camp we headed to Bethany for the weekend where Trevor caught some terrible stomach flu bug. Which of course was then passed on to Darren, skipped me, and eventually got Mark a week later. NOT FUN. When all had recovered it was time to get back to enjoying our summer. Trevor has been attending Tae Kwon Do camp. This week will his third week of camp. Last Friday, he tested and received his first belt. He is officially a white belt master:) He seems to really be enjoying it, mind you that now he karate chops everything and everyone! Great job Master T!

We all survived our first week of Young Athletes Sports Camp this past Saturday. The turnout was amazing....38 kids! When we first planned all of this, I think we had agreed that we should take no more than 20. The response was so great that we hated to turn anyone down. All and all, Lisa and I were thrilled at how it went. We started off in a big group and did some circle time activities, song, dancing, stretching...etc. Then we broke them all into stations. Bowling, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Track, and the favorite of the day...the Obstacle Course. When observing all of this as a whole, it seems crazy honestly....and initially I got nervous. But then I started walking and checking on each group, where I was pleased to see that all was going well. Lisa had been doing the same and came to the same conclusion. PHEW! Everyone has asked, "How did Darren do?" I can honestly say that he tried and participated in every station. BUT, he did not stay in one designated area for long. He was so excited, and overwhelmed, and happy...and everything else in between. He was a live wire. Truth is, my main concern was the camp as a total this time around. I wanted to make sure that things were flowing properly and just observing it all. Trevor did great and enjoyed himself very much. Darren had a great time as well.
To me, it was a safe haven. It was great to be around other parents going through the same type issues as we are. I never felt judged....I felt like we were all in the same boat and that there was a understanding that whatever happened was OK. Trust me, I know that I don't always feel that way in public, although I have learned not to care so much about that kind of stuff. But it was nice not to worry about it at all. I watched parents clap at their child's success, and struggle with a transition or two. That's life for all of us. Doesn't make it easier really, but it did make me feel better. The kids were fascinating. As I scanned the gym, I couldn't help but smile, while sweating and trying to keep Darren in one place...there is such a need for this type of program...for the kids, for the parents, the siblings...the community. I just was so happy to be a part of it and afterwards I was SO tired....mentally and physically...but content. Next weekend will be even better:)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My Competitive Soul...Part II
I have got to admit. I am not a big soccer fan. But I also have to admit that when I watch Trevor out on that field...he fits the bill. He's quick, unlike me, and does a great job handling the soccer ball. He looks comfortable out there. This is just a little soccer camp that only last a week. How much could he learn, right??? A lot actually. Not all about soccer though. Sure he learned how to stop the ball with his foot, and knee, and chest. But he learned that there are other kids that want that ball just as much as he does and want to score just as much as he does. And the competition begins!!!! Today I watched these 4 and 5 year old children battle through the typical youth soccer ball huddle trying to get one kick...one score...one high five from a newly made friend...many of which have no idea what the others' name is:) Trevor's strategy was different. He wasn't afraid to enter the huddle of madness...but he choose to observe the madness...when he saw that the ball was going to be knocked free...he attacked. If he judged correctly, he would get the ball and head to the goal to score. If unsuccessful, he would run back to guard the goal. "Wow" I thought, " nobody taught him that". His wounded pride caused a couple of tears when his legs got tripped up with another soccer hungry tyke. I think he enjoyed the coach lowering himself to one knee to check on him. He would then pop up and carry on.
But on this particular day. Trevor did not score a goal. That's not good. As the end of camp became reality....he lingered a bit on the field. As soon as I motioned to him that it was time to find his ball because camp was over...it was time to go, in that instant, the frown appeared. He ran sadly to his ball and by the time he got to me he was crying. As I picked him up and hugged my little competitor, I smiled. I knew he was crying because he hadn't scored. When I asked him that question...he didn't answer...the cry just became more exaggerated. I put his limp disappointed body in the car and decided to try to discuss the issue further. Not as easy as I thought. Trevor is stubborn, like me, and didn't want to hear the good things that I was pointing out. So I said, "Fine then, take your shoes off and we will just toss them in the trash...do you want to quit?" With that there was a moment of silence....then, "No Mommia, I don't want to quit. " Phew!!! I could have set myself up with that question. But I knew it would get his attention...and it did. "
Bet'cha he scores tomorrow!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Summer Sounds
I just love hearing his little voice!!!! He is trying so hard to copy Trevor with just about everything. He even picked up the PlayStation 2 remote control yesterday and pushed every button in an effort to play along with Trevor. Like I have said a million times, I am so thankful that they have each other. Our summer has been great thus far. Next week Trevor starts soccer camp and Darren heads back to school. Have a great Fourth of July weekend everyone!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

It is fascinating to me to watch Trevor when he is learning a new skill. I am continually shocked at how quickly he learns things. The other neat thing about this is that Darren was trying to imitate Trevor.
All I can simply say is...we had a lot of fun.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Sun is Setting on..........

Trevor's first venture to the beach without Darren and me. It's strange for all of us, but nice for all of us. I am enjoying my time with Darren...and I am sure that Trevor is being well taken care of by all. It's a big deal in some ways, but so important for us all. It makes me realize how much work Darren is alone and how much attention Trevor deserves. There are always times that I worry that I am not giving both of them what they need. Typical I'm sure. It's just that Trevor helps me so much, but he also drains me mentally...as any good four year should. The lesson here is.....everyone needs a break sometimes. Just a little change of pace can do a lot of good. There is a wonderful part of the normal routine that is consistent and great....but change can be good and refreshing. I am happy for Trevor, that he surrounded with people that love him. I am happy for Darren too...he can get lots of Mommy time that he really needs right now. On this beautiful evening....I am just happy
Thursday, May 29, 2008
It's Official
With the help, support, and backing of Special Olympics, along with POAC (Parents of Autistic Children), and the Down Syndrome Association we will running a five week program this summer!!!!!!!!!! Every Saturday in August from 9-12. This is SO incredibly exciting. The link above gives you an idea about the program. Lisa and I will be adding to it a bit by incorporating these basic skills into sports like basketball, baseball, soccer, bowling, tag, and putt-putt. This will not only be a great opportunity for Darren and Trevor, but for other families as well. Lots to do to prepare. If anyone is interested in volunteering, please let me know. We are going to need lots of hands to help these little guys and girls:)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Good News!

Monday, May 5, 2008
It seems that there is a lot of random updates, so here we go!
- Darren is totally potty trained (OK..he wears a pull up at night) I still find this totally amazing. He rarely has an accident, and if he does it's minor. GREAT JOB BIG D!!!! He is also trying very hard to talk. The approximations that come out his mouth these days are startling!!!
- Just got the licensing agreement from Autism Speaks in regards to the cards. I have to sign it, send it back to them, and they will send the official logo that can be placed next to the cards saying that a proceed will be given to Autism Speaks!! Very proud and excited about that.
- Now that the weather is nice, we are able to play outside much more. Which means sports frenzy for Trevor. It also means a lot more time outside with his friends, which he truly enjoys. We are currently into street hockey, basketball, and baseball...gotta love it!
- Still trying to figure out a way to start some summer sports camps. Just can't seem to find a location yet. Attacking this a little last minute for this summer, but I am still working on it. I really think that this concept is a great one.
- Mark is still traveling back and forth to DE for work. We are managing fine...it's just hard on all of us...but somehow we make it work:)
Lastly, I just feel tired lately. I don't know if it is because I just have so much on my mind, or WHAT. Sometimes I feel like I get ALL of these ideas and questions and theories....and so on and so on and so on. I overwhelm myself. I somehow convince myself that everything can happen INSTANTLY. Not so. But that doesn't stop me from trying. It just teaches me to be more realistic. Whatever is ahead needs to be planned out appropriately and executed perfectly. I am just not that patient when it comes to ideas that I KNOW will work. Maybe I am half the reason why we have moved a million times:) I like to believe in things, I am not afraid of change...I am probably more afraid of NOT trying something. I like a plan....ALL about a plan. Maybe my plan needs some adjustment....maybe that will help. I just think that for the first time I feel a purpose forming for my life....and I don't know how to make it all happen. That frustration of not being able to make it happen NOW is what makes me tired.
One step at a time.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
A Special Thanks
A special thanks to the owners Linda Campbell and Ann Vaughan (friends of Claudia's) for giving us this opportunity. I am very excited about it!!!! I am putting together baskets to take to some other stores as well. It's a fun and new adventure.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
For Sale!!! SOON
I am VERY proud of this new adventure and would like to tell you all about it. This was a simple project that turned into something that I wasn't quite expecting. Again, just trying to roll with it. A couple of weeks again I brought out the Diego neon finger paints and was determined to have both boys sit down on the kitchen floor and do some good old, messy finger painting. Trevor was game as always. Darren wasn't quite interested at first, that's putting it kindly, but once he was MADE to do it...he tolerated it. He likes squeezing the paint out....dipping his fingertip in it....but would them want it off. It took him some time to be willing to let me put his entire hand in it and smear it around. Eventually we completed two very large pieces of paper. They were very colorful and happy...especially knowing the effort it took for the project to be completed!
Couple of days later we ripped up the artwork...on purpose, mind you. My mom is an artist who does this kind of stuff. Every time we are visiting, she takes the artwork created by the boys and turns into neat cards. Feeling somewhat inspired, I thought, "maybe we can do that too!" So they ripped up the art work the way "true artists would" and I told them to just glue the pieces on the cards. When I stood them on the counter to dry...I just kept looking at them. They were really cute! But they needed a little something. A long time ago I had purchase these little stickers at Michael's that had inspiring words and phrases on them.... Believe, Dare to Dream, Make a Wish...etc. PERFECT!!! And as l looked at each card individually, I picked the appropriate title. I fell in love with all of them. On the back of the cards I have added a picture of the boys and this little write up:
This card was created by our "Wonder Twins". Darren is autistic, Trevor is not. Yet, together they live with, battle, and break down the walls of Autism with good ole' brotherly love.
My thoughts are 1 for $5
5 for $20
8 for $25
Something like that???????????????????????????
Any money made would go towards Darren's therapies and expenses. As always...input needed.
We're Playing Bas-ket-ball
Round 2: Last night we tried again. My initial goal was to have Darren catch the ball, turn, and dunk. If he did so, he would then receive his beloved frog as a reward. I would say catch and he attempted to say CATCH. Cool. I was even more surprised when he caught it! I then told him to shoot, he did and then went to where is frog was and say, "FR-OGG". For those that have heard him say frog...it's too darn cute!!! Wow, this is working. Next he had to catch it, shoot it, get the ball, and pass it to Trevor. Mission accomplished. "FR-OGGG".
Thank god for Trevor. He is my biggest helper and support. I can't explain to you all how much this four year old helps me on a day to day basis. What a team.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sword Fight!!
I am going to keep this one brief. Darren's imitation skills are really sky rocketing! When we are with friends now...not only does he hang around them...he is starting to participate in what everyone is playing. Great improvement. We are blessed with friends that are accepting and patient. More video to come...we are working on learning hockey, basketball, and riding a big wheel. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Keep Going Home

I am also a sports kinda gal. What options will I have for Darren? Trevor could possibly start sports next year...what about Darren's choices??? Darren on the sidelines just isn't gonna be enough for me and it shouldn't be for any parent with a special needs child. Why couldn't they learn to play sports at an early age like the rest? Could take A LOT of practice...but what doesn't? The thought of some camps...for the younger guys...REALLY excites me.
This is what I mean by coming home...I know what passions I can bring to the table. I love sports, music, and kids. I have learned how important these early years are for kids. Childhood is so important. It's what make us, shapes us, and grounds us in the future.
Any feedback on these ideas would be greatly appreciated....SERIOUSLY
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My sweet, sweet boy
Trevor....Oh Trevor. My sweet and sensitive child. His soul is kind, his determination strong. Trevor is such a little Italian boy. I sometimes say that I should have named him Carmine, or Anthony cause the kid loves pasta, makes everyone feel welcomed, and is stubborn as a mule. My grandma Rose would have loved this child. Truth is, most everyone loves this boy. There's just something about him that is special. Trevor is a feeler. He can walk into a room and sense the mood...and adjusts to it. I think he can really tell between the kids that like him and the kids who think he's too small to play ball...little do those kids know how darn good he is!!! But he adjusts. We all know the benefits that Darren is reaping because of his wonderful brother. Trevor is so patient and kind, and most importantly...accepting of his brother. He knows Darren is different in some way, but he loves him with all of his heart and soul. When TREVOR says something to Darren, Darren listens and will follow him, pee with him:), or repeat him. It's a wonderful thing to see. I also think that Trevor has benefited from Darren as well. Trevor has learned at a very early age the ability to pick up on non-verbal cues, body language, and underlying emotion. The "Autism Whisperer" of sorts. These are things that are almost impossible to teach...but he's had to adjust...and he makes it work...and because of that...he makes miracles happen. Maybe that sounds over the top. But I see it all the time.
AND Trevor loves his Daddy. They have wonderful bond and understanding of one another. I imagine that Mark was a lot like Trevor when he was young. I think that because of this, Mark is more protective of Trevor. I am probably more protective of Darren. Balance. It's what makes it all work I guess. I am already in awe of Trevor. He has more personality, and talent, and IT than I could ever imagine in a 4 year old. Proud doesn't even cut it. I can't wait to watch his life unfold....many more great things to come !!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It Hit the Floor, Not the Fan

Monday, March 3, 2008

We belong together
Children bring such perspective to our lives. I am going to talk about just Darren today. Trevor will have his own write up next. Fair and balanced:) Amidst all that has transpired with Darren, I love this child deeply, with all my heart and soul. I admire him. I watch my four year old get on a bus everyday...and I await his big brown eyes to arrive home in the afternoon. Our connection is deep. I always say that Darren isn't a typical anything. Yes he lives with autism, but he lives. He is a happy soul, who loves to laugh and play, who kisses AFFECTIONATELY, who enjoys being around people, and who can connect with others. What is typically autistic about that? Working with Darren is such a learning experience. All children learn so differently, but Darren's delays are so obvious in certain areas. I watch him intently when I ask him to label the flash cards shown...I literally watch the wheels turn...his eyes scanning...mind processing....mouth/hands starting to move....then a response. SO much work for him. I remind myself constantly, " He can't talk" imagine how frustrating that is. The thing is, that we do know in a way. Think of all the times that we "emotionally" have things to say...but can't...due to fear of hurting someones feelings or fear of letting your true passions be revealed. WHATEVER the case may be, when the moment passes, you feel frustrated with yourself. You weren't able to speak your mind. Darren just experiences this a 100 times a day. So why is he so happy? Maybe because it's all that he has every known. Maybe because as he learns even one new sign, or makes one connection, some of that frustration is released. There's one thing for sure, he is loved, and I know he feels it. Would I like for him to talk?...of course. Will I be devastated if he doesn't....absolutely not. He already communicates so much to me and to others. I just want to make sure that we are providing him with every opportunity to reach his potential. And he's got plenty of it!!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
What Do You See?

Don't worry, Be Happy
Don't sweat the little things
Everything happens for a reason
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
Live a life of purpose
God only gives you what you can handle
Yes, it's that kind of day for me. Perplexed by this world. I am a believer that things happen for a reason. I am impatient though. I KNOW things will work out...but I don't want to wait too long. Then, when I start to doubt, amazingly it comes back to me full circle. I love that concept as well...coming full circle. It's like God is saying, "SEE silly...I told you it would all work out...just trust me next time". Basically JUST BELIEVE. So on this nasty, cold, and icy day, I will breathe and believe and relax to the best of my ability and try to put my thoughts to rest.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
More Than Words
Friday, February 8, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
A Conversation from the Heart

Trevor may have said something like: " Ya know Darren can't talk".
Jacob: "I know, and I feel really bad for him. But he is doing so great and has come so far."
Trevor: "But we are teaching him."
Jacob: "Well even though he can't talk yet, at least he has sign language to help him tell us what he wants."
Trevor: "I know sign language"
Jacob: "I know how to sign my name" (He correctly signs each letter)
Trevor: "ME too" (He makes up every single letter :)
We all laugh!
I was touched at the realness of the conversation. Kids pay attention and notice things. Just when you think they aren't, the truth is that they already have it all figured out!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Here we are!!! Sorry it's not Hi-Def by any means, but at least this gives everyone an idea of what we are doing. Like I said before, Rome wasn't built in a day. This is on the job training for me. I am learning so much. Watching him work is so intriguing to me, keep in mind that I am a Psychology major. I am enjoying the process and learning so much about my son. I have been so stressed lately. Trying to train myself overnight, I guess. Silly. Everything takes time. I am just happy that he is responding to me well. He is sitting for a least a 30 to 45 minutes and we are figuring it out. There is a rhythm to this. Constant feedback is the hardest thing. Taping it helps me to see when I missed opportunities to praise, re-direct, or whatever. Every missed opportunity for feedback breaks the rhythm. When done well, it's like singing along perfectly to your favorite song. That's the only way I can think of explaining it. Anyways. Check it out
Monday, January 21, 2008
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Super Friends

The other day Trevor had some friends over to play. He really enjoys the Super Friends now and asked if he and his friends could watch it. Sure! So they played downstairs for some time and I kept checking on them. It was very cute actually, they would watch the show and play Super Friends at the same time. I think that Trevor was Batman. Well, Trevor, being the observant boy that he is, noticed that the Super Friends wear there "underwear" on the outside of their outfits. So to my surprise, the next time I checked on our little friends, they had all taken off their underwear, put their pants back on, and had put their underwear on the outside of the pants. I laughed histerically and was quite impressed with their creativity. Kids:)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Happy New Year!
Trevor's personality continues to overflow beyond even his own comprehension. On Christmas Eve, Claudia, Trevor and I went to the midnight mass at Truro. When we told Trevor that we were going, he got VERY excited. He was excited because we were going to the Big Chapel, "Where the King lives!" He lasted about 45 minutes and then fell asleep in the pew...too cute.
I like the New Year...New beginnings...New goals...New vision....New things to look forward to.