More Than Words
I absolutely find them fascinating! It's wonderful to watch them these days. They have been together EVERYDAY for over four years now, but NOW is when it is all coming together. Trevor is a wonderful brother. Darren is not a typical anything. So their magic is a miracle. We went to the mall the other day to play in the play area, which we have done many times before. But this time, they played TOGETHER the entire time. Darren wanted Trevor to chase him. Trevor obliged...they'd laugh...and did it over and over again....without words. I did intervene at one point and started making Darren say "g" for get and them put his hand to his chest to indicate "me". THEN, the chase would begin. Their laughter is contagious because it seems impossible. How do they understand each other SO well? How do they communicate without words? Darren initiates play with Trevor now, and Trevor loves it...he's been waiting for it for so long now. The time has come:) AND We are seeing such great improvement in Darren's socialization and sound production. What a TEAM!