The boys and I headed back to church on Sunday. Again, with great success. Darren is starting to get comfortable going to Truro in general. Last week when we dropped off Trevor, Darren decided that he wanted to check out Trevor's classroom, so he just walked right in and started exploring. It was interesting actually. He was definitely checking the place out! Then when we came back to pick up Trevor, which we have to go downstairs to do....downstairs is also where he has the WEE Worship on Sundays. Well, again he was looking around like, hey, I was here the other day. He even went into the chapel area and was walking around. Interesting. Darren seems happy in church. He likes the music and the acoustics. He likes when I sing in his ear:) He even let out some louder sounds when the music was loud. Even a blurted out a word that could have been an "Amen" but who's to know! haha Our wonderful helper was there and things seemed to go a little better this time.
Swimming lessons were GREAT! Darren did 10 times better this week! He had the same wonderful gentleman and he didn't fight it this time. He was laughing and really and truly almost swimming. He is very close. This man earned his stripes with Darren quickly and Darren made huge improvements because of it. I got teary watching it. He was trying so hard, and having fun, and not yelling MA-MA at the top of his lungs:) Trevor is learning a lot too. He's learning how to push off the wall and then swim, and how to float on his back, and just some good basic techniques. Great program!