The week after soccer camp we headed to Bethany for the weekend where Trevor caught some terrible stomach flu bug. Which of course was then passed on to Darren, skipped me, and eventually got Mark a week later. NOT FUN. When all had recovered it was time to get back to enjoying our summer. Trevor has been attending Tae Kwon Do camp. This week will his third week of camp. Last Friday, he tested and received his first belt. He is officially a white belt master:) He seems to really be enjoying it, mind you that now he karate chops everything and everyone! Great job Master T!

We all survived our first week of Young Athletes Sports Camp this past Saturday. The turnout was amazing....38 kids! When we first planned all of this, I think we had agreed that we should take no more than 20. The response was so great that we hated to turn anyone down. All and all, Lisa and I were thrilled at how it went. We started off in a big group and did some circle time activities, song, dancing, stretching...etc. Then we broke them all into stations. Bowling, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Track, and the favorite of the day...the Obstacle Course. When observing all of this as a whole, it seems crazy honestly....and initially I got nervous. But then I started walking and checking on each group, where I was pleased to see that all was going well. Lisa had been doing the same and came to the same conclusion. PHEW! Everyone has asked, "How did Darren do?" I can honestly say that he tried and participated in every station. BUT, he did not stay in one designated area for long. He was so excited, and overwhelmed, and happy...and everything else in between. He was a live wire. Truth is, my main concern was the camp as a total this time around. I wanted to make sure that things were flowing properly and just observing it all. Trevor did great and enjoyed himself very much. Darren had a great time as well.
To me, it was a safe haven. It was great to be around other parents going through the same type issues as we are. I never felt judged....I felt like we were all in the same boat and that there was a understanding that whatever happened was OK. Trust me, I know that I don't always feel that way in public, although I have learned not to care so much about that kind of stuff. But it was nice not to worry about it at all. I watched parents clap at their child's success, and struggle with a transition or two. That's life for all of us. Doesn't make it easier really, but it did make me feel better. The kids were fascinating. As I scanned the gym, I couldn't help but smile, while sweating and trying to keep Darren in one place...there is such a need for this type of program...for the kids, for the parents, the siblings...the community. I just was so happy to be a part of it and afterwards I was SO tired....mentally and physically...but content. Next weekend will be even better:)