Happy New Year to all! This obviously isn't the most recent picture of the boys, but it is one of my favorites. It's been a good year for us, yet, now that we are settled, we are looking forward to 2008. The boys are at such a great age right now. We are certainly seeing their personalities shine through. Darren is just a happier boy these days. I am not sure how else to describe it, he's just calmer, more interactive, and seems to understand so much more. The whole family seems to agree that this is going to be a good year for Darren. We have already seen great progress, that's for sure.
Trevor's personality continues to overflow beyond even his own comprehension. On Christmas Eve, Claudia, Trevor and I went to the midnight mass at
Truro. When we told Trevor that we were going, he got VERY excited. He was excited because we were going to the Big Chapel, "Where the King lives!" He lasted about 45 minutes and then fell asleep in the pew...too cute.
I like the New Year...New beginnings...New goals...New vision....New things to look forward to.