I have got to admit. I am not a big soccer fan. But I also have to admit that when I watch Trevor out on that field...he fits the bill. He's quick, unlike me, and does a great job handling the soccer ball. He looks comfortable out there. This is just a little soccer camp that only last a week. How much could he learn, right??? A lot actually. Not all about soccer though. Sure he learned how to stop the ball with his foot, and knee, and chest. But he learned that there are other kids that want that ball just as much as he does and want to score just as much as he does. And the competition begins!!!! Today I watched these 4 and 5 year old children battle through the typical youth soccer ball huddle trying to get one kick...one score...one high five from a newly made friend...many of which have no idea what the others' name is:) Trevor's strategy was different. He wasn't afraid to enter the huddle of madness...but he choose to observe the madness...when he saw that the ball was going to be knocked free...he attacked. If he judged correctly, he would get the ball and head to the goal to score. If unsuccessful, he would run back to guard the goal. "Wow" I thought, " nobody taught him that". His wounded pride caused a couple of tears when his legs got tripped up with another soccer hungry tyke. I think he enjoyed the coach lowering himself to one knee to check on him. He would then pop up and carry on.
But on this particular day. Trevor did not score a goal. That's not good. As the end of camp became reality....he lingered a bit on the field. As soon as I motioned to him that it was time to find his ball because camp was over...it was time to go, in that instant, the frown appeared. He ran sadly to his ball and by the time he got to me he was crying. As I picked him up and hugged my little competitor, I smiled. I knew he was crying because he hadn't scored. When I asked him that question...he didn't answer...the cry just became more exaggerated. I put his limp disappointed body in the car and decided to try to discuss the issue further. Not as easy as I thought. Trevor is stubborn, like me, and didn't want to hear the good things that I was pointing out. So I said, "Fine then, take your shoes off and we will just toss them in the trash...do you want to quit?" With that there was a moment of silence....then, "No Mommia, I don't want to quit. " Phew!!! I could have set myself up with that question. But I knew it would get his attention...and it did. "
Bet'cha he scores tomorrow!!!