We belong together
Children bring such perspective to our lives. I am going to talk about just Darren today. Trevor will have his own write up next. Fair and balanced:) Amidst all that has transpired with Darren, I love this child deeply, with all my heart and soul. I admire him. I watch my four year old get on a bus everyday...and I await his big brown eyes to arrive home in the afternoon. Our connection is deep. I always say that Darren isn't a typical anything. Yes he lives with autism, but he lives. He is a happy soul, who loves to laugh and play, who kisses AFFECTIONATELY, who enjoys being around people, and who can connect with others. What is typically autistic about that? Working with Darren is such a learning experience. All children learn so differently, but Darren's delays are so obvious in certain areas. I watch him intently when I ask him to label the flash cards shown...I literally watch the wheels turn...his eyes scanning...mind processing....mouth/hands starting to move....then a response. SO much work for him. I remind myself constantly, " He can't talk" imagine how frustrating that is. The thing is, that we do know in a way. Think of all the times that we "emotionally" have things to say...but can't...due to fear of hurting someones feelings or fear of letting your true passions be revealed. WHATEVER the case may be, when the moment passes, you feel frustrated with yourself. You weren't able to speak your mind. Darren just experiences this a 100 times a day. So why is he so happy? Maybe because it's all that he has every known. Maybe because as he learns even one new sign, or makes one connection, some of that frustration is released. There's one thing for sure, he is loved, and I know he feels it. Would I like for him to talk?...of course. Will I be devastated if he doesn't....absolutely not. He already communicates so much to me and to others. I just want to make sure that we are providing him with every opportunity to reach his potential. And he's got plenty of it!!!!!