Where do I even begin??? I think that the video gives you an idea of the character that we have on our hands. Trevor has personality that is beyond my comprehension. He is an emotional, dramatic, loving, and talented little boy. From the day that child was born, he has always been the one who has been able to bring every single emotion that I have in my body, to the surface. You see, Trevor wears his emotions on his sleeve. I don't. He pushes me out of my comfort zone every single day and I'd like to think that I provide structure for him that keeps his emotions in check. A team. That's what we were when Mark went away for a week. "Mommy remember we said we were a team, and that's why I get to sleep in your bed while Daddy's gone?" Can't fight team! But in all fairness, as soon as Mark returned, he went back to his regular routine.
My favorite Trevor story is his first day of pre-school. He goes three days a week to Truro Episcopal. When I picked him up I naturally asked how his day went. He said, "we prayed." I asked him if the whole class prayed or just him. He responded," I prayed twice....I love my people, I love my mommy, my daddy, my grandma and grandpap (who were in town) I love Darren, I love my chair, and my cars....I love my people." WOW, some first day!!! He's a trip, seriously.
The thing is, he truly DOES love his people. He feels connected to people, and they to him. What inspires me most is his unconditional love for his brother. He tries SO hard to play with him, share with him, and even discipline him, but it seems easy for him to just love him. He knows that Darren doesn't talk. I think in his own way he knows that Darren is different. Trevor just treats him like a brother. He's not even four. Amazing.
I am not sure if Trevor will be the next American idol, president, or a famous athlete. But he seems to have IT. Maybe all parents think this at some point. I truly believe this about him.
Trevor and Darren are so unique...two completely different people just born on the same day.