Day 1-My hope is to use this space to share our journey. As with any family, everyday brings new experiences and challenges. Our Wonder Twins seem to have a story of their own to share. It's hard to believe that they are almost four. People ask me, "Hasn't the time gone by fast?". Actually, no. It seems like they should be 25 by now! Having twins IS different, AND, on top of that, having a child with autism just throws a whole new spin on things. I hope to be able to present the realness of this dynamic duo. The good, bad, and everything else in between. Darren's battle is both inspiring and exhausting. Trevor's personality is quite the same. They have always provided a balance for one another and have done so without words. Maybe it's just an inner understanding. Trust me, everyday I try to figure it all out. I am learning a lot along the way. Some weeks there's a lot to talk about, some weeks there's a lot to pray about. I invite you all to laugh with us....cry with us...be inspired....share this journey with us.