Serious Bike Riders |
Water, please |
Time for a playground break |
Rollerblade Hockey Stadium |
Picnic tables |
You're it! |
Bike/Skater Park |
Tennis Practice Area |
u |
Push please Trevor |
Here are some of the sights of Jupiter! We love taking bike rides...(boys bike and I run). We have a nice little route that we enjoy. Three quarters of the way into the trip we stop at the park, cool down with some water, and run around the playground. I love our bike ride/run. It is something that we can do together. Before, I would run to clear my mind and have some peace and quiet:) Now that the boys are older, this is a fun way to be together. It was on a recent ride that I noticed just how competitive Darren is at times. He likes to race Trevor...and he will speed up a bit and turn his head to see if Trevor is following close behind. Once he sees Trevor kick it up a notch...Darren kicks it into high gear...smiling all the while:) Wonder why he's so competitive?????? Where does he get that from????? Anyways, this park is so nice. There are plenty of outdoor facilities here. We are trying to find our favorite hot spots and take advantage of the fun.
The boys are doing great. School for Darren has just been such a smooth transition, which is a sign to us that he is in the right place. Today is Friday, which means that Darren is golfing at school! Every Friday they take a bus to a local golf facility and have a 30 min lesson with a First Tee Program. The teachers say that likes hitting the ball off the tee, although last week he had to listen to one of the instructors go over the basics (heaven forbid)...they said he had no tolerance for that...he just wanted to hit the ball!!!!! Trevor seems to have made friends very quickly and loves school. Our days start a little earlier (school starts at 8 for Trev/8:30 for Darren) but they are home earlier in the afternoon...which is nice. It's still hard to believe that we live in Florida, but I can't imagine being anywhere else.