Shining Stars
This Saturday is a BIG DAY. It is World Autism Day AND Opening Day for Trevor's baseball team. Go Rattlers! We are very proud of our shining stars. Trevor was drafted! He is playing AA baseball this season and is soaring. At his first scrimmage he started a shortstop (yes, I was super proud) and batted first in the line-up. He had never played short before and had never hit off live pitching in a game situation. Trevor did great. His timing needs some adjusting, but he made good contact and even got on base once. Sources say he may even pitch on Opening Day...another first! He has been practicing hard and says he's ready to go...Put him in Coach...he's ready to I am baffled by this little athlete...he is so fun to watch. A couple of funny stories: First day of practice, Trevor is working with the pitching coach and he is teaching him a how to snap his wrist down more. Trevor yells out "Hey Coach, my mom already taught me that drill" Coach responds "Wow, really? When?" Trevor responded "Umm, like 5 years ago". Ha! Yes, I did teach him that, but it certainly wasn't 5 years ago at the age of 2! But it made me laugh. Secondly, the team was taking infield...Trevor was playing third base at the time and the ball was hit to short. The shortstop did not go for it very aggressively so Coach questioned the shortstop about the play. Coach proceded to go into this whole rant about the position of SS. "It's and ego position, SS wants every ball, every play" etc. I look out of the corner of my eye and Trevor is raising his hand...he is ready to tell coach with innocent happiness that Mommy played SS...ha! Knowing that was not the best time to share that information...I quickly shook him off:) World Autism Day I love that these two events are happening on the same day. Wonder Twin Powers-Activate. I will send out reminders tomorrow. But get you blue gear ready for Saturday and spread the word! "Autism Speaks....It's Time to Listen" Autism Speaks Inc.