It is wonderful seeing their personalities blossom. Trevor continues to be my little Italian boy. He really enjoyed Kindergarten this year. His reading skills are really improving, still gets a little frustrated when trying to sound out words. We are trying to "practice" more often. Trevor REALLY loves Math. In the car he always wants me to give him math problems to figure out. He is also very good at counting coins. 
Tball was a blast this year. Trevor had a great time and really enjoyed all-stars. It was a nice way to take the game to the next level. He continues to love sports and is extremely competitive. I love that about him. This season was a real learning experience. I was reminded how great sports are for kids. So many wonderful lessons to be learned. At an age when they are little sponges, it is a perfect time to learn about the concepts of TEAM, WINNING, LOSING, HAVING GOALS, and WORKING HARD TO ACHIEVE THEM. So important. With Trevor, I constantly feel that I reflecting on my childhood...trying to provide him with all the good experiences of being a kid, but more importantly I have tried to evaluate my mistakes...and pass on the knowledge to him. I, too, was very competitive and very very hard on myself. I really try to talk things out with him. Share stories, good and bad. I think it helps us both:)
Darren continues to amaze me. If Trevor is the challenge of my past, Darren is the challenge of the future. He keeps me on my toes, that"s for sure. I feel that I have a built in sonar just for Darren that is constantly evaluating his location, mood, and excitement level. His school year was an absolute roller coaster ride, but I learned so much and truly feel that he is in the right school surrounded by dedicated staff that love and tolerate him:) Darren's personality is certainly shining through on all levels. He can be funny, engaging, silly, feisty, stubborn, and sweet. Patience is always needed, "the look from mommy" is always helpful as well.

Together, they are the Wonder Twins. I watch them play and fight and unconditionally love each other everyday. Trevor is a stronger person because of it, and Darren, a blessed child to have such a loving brother. They have great potential because of their special bond.