The boys LOVE the pool. They always have. But this year, if they could go off the diving board for hours upon hours, they would! They do the same thing over and over....jump, swim to ladder, and go back in line. Trevor attempted to dive, twice now. The first time was a success. The second time proceeded in a belly flop that left him in tears. Haven't we all done that? So as he slowly climbed the ladder, tears boiling, I challenged him to ask anyone here at the pool if they too had ever belly flopped. At the moment, that meant nothing to him. But as he thought about it, he realized that it's the risk you take...and has accepted that...he also has not attempted a dive since then:) In time.
Darren and the water are one in the same. At the pool, and even at the beach, I feel that Darren is in his element. These are places that Darren looks normal. Sound strange? Well, it shouldn't. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, the water and extreme coordination are passions and strengths of Darren's. He WANTED to swim...he now swims. He watched Trevor for a YEAR jump off the diving board....this year he jumped without reservation and hasn't stopped yet. He goes underwater, kicks a couple times and comes up laughing...he is SO proud of himself for trying something new. Does this sound like autism to you??? Not to me....this is normal:)
We love the summertime!