The Young Athletes Camps are really coming along well. This week was certainly the best yet. I thing that the kids are getting used to the routine and the parents as well. I would like to give a big round of applause to the parents and volunteers. This isn't easy. It's not like sending Trevor to Tae Kwon Do camp for 3 hours, where I drop him and and come back and get him. The parents work their tails off in an effort to get these little athletes to succeed....even if it's one kick, or one rotation without a tantrum. I am soaking wet with sweat after circle time!!!! This week Darren for the first time actually participate in circle on his own. I was shocked. Now he didn't make it the whole time. But he happily did some of it. Then it becomes a game of run away. My strategy is to stay as upbeat as possible and I try not to let him get out of doing what I know he can do. When he starts to drop and kick in an effort to escape...I take him outside and I tell him to calm down because we are going to go back in and do this together. If when we walk back in, he starts to fuss again, I turn him around and try again. My hope is that if he comes back in the gym happy, he will participate. Keep in mind that this is only the first 20 minutes, there is still 6 rotations, parachute, and kickball/and or obstacle course to go!!!! Like I said, it's hard work. I am not the only parent chasing their child down...I am not the only one encouraging them...even when there are fussing out of pure over-stimulation. Structured chaos. I mean that in a very good way. The volunteers have been wonderful with cheering on the athletes and siblings, and parents:)
The most amazing part happened during the second part of the camp. We decided to try a game of kickball. What's amazing is that we actually were able to accomplish just that!!!! I watched each kid kick the ball and run to first. The first time around, they were a bit confused...that's when the parents and volunteers really jumped in. We had a volunteer at each base greeting these proud campers. The second, and third time around...they were AWESOME. I saw these kids running on their own to first...no parents....wow....it worked!!! Then on to second then third then home...hooray!!! And most of them just kept WANTING to go again. It was a great moment. Darren was exhausted by this point. I had worked him hard at each station this time. Lisa did make him kick it once and helped him run the bases....then he was done. He just sat there....yes....sat there and watched. Ha! Trevor, did great as well. He works hard at each station and does what he is supposed to do. Such a good boy.
All in all....it really was great.