I may never really know.
For all that you do say,
There is more that you don't.
I believe in all that you do,
And worry endlessly about all the rest.
My heart aches for you,
My love heals you.
Patience is key,
Yet, I don't always have it.
I forget about Autism sometimes,
I just expect more....but it's always there.
I see:
Your head in the clouds.
Your head above water.
Vison in your eyes.
A confused mind.
A scar on your head...from where you tested the limits at school...and lost.
A handsome, perfect, and beautiful child.
I don't always know how to help you...
But will forever love you and try my hardest to help you meet your potential.
Dream Big Darren.
Darren On YouTube!
His school participated in a Flash Mob! Darren is front and center...Literally! He is in the front row wearing a dark blue shirt.
I watch this and I cry. I am so proud of him for participating. Yes, his teacher is holding his hand and helping him. BUT he is standing there (not running away, not fighting the process) and he is present....and in the moment. THAT is what I am most proud of.