Darren is a gift. I have always know that, but not always sure how to handle every part of him. Darren has taught me that I don't know all the answers. That if I want something, I have to fight for it...I also have learned to let things go....to believe...and to trust that when you ask for help, you receive it. He is a beautiful, strong boy. That has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. These video are just Darren being Darren these days....underpants, silliness, dance moves, and all.
Trevor Dieste. My straight A student. Wow...he continues to impress me on every level. Besides Green Lantern, he wears his heart on his sleeve and at the young age of nine his Wii age could be 19. He tries hard, still sometimes too hard....but that isn't such a bad quality after all. He's a good, good boy. I am thankful for his smile. I am thankful for his honesty and focus. I am thankful for his love of life and family. Trevor, to me, seems to have found a better balance in Florida. The toll of Daddy working in DE was hard for him, even though he totally understood why and dealt with it like a champ. Now, he is just happier. He seems to have all the most wonderful things in life surrounding him and it is allowing Trevor to be at his best.
A Moment of Reflection:
I always wonder what my Grandma Rose would have thought of the boys. No doubt, she would have loved them. No doubt that they would have adored her. I just will also always wonder what she would have thought about Autism, what gifts she would pointed out to me, what pride she would have taken in their bond, and obviously, I would have loved to watch her love them. I can't help but thank her from time to time for teaching me all that she did...just by being the amazingly, loving person that she was. It's hard during the holidays not to remember and treasure the ones we have lost. So many times in Florida, I would have liked to have picked up the phone and called Christine, to give her an update on the boys and to listen to hear words that always lifted my heart with hope. Or to look over and be able to see Ken sitting in his chair as he watched the boys climb on everything in site as we discussed the worlds problems. How can we not smile and think about all of the Thanksgivings in Gettysburg as we raked leaves...and then some! The other day I was remembering the dream I had in which Junie told me that Darren would talk...I knew then to believe it would happen. And I can always rely on the Lithuanian in me that makes me "strong, like onion" which helps me stay calm and carry on. For all that have moved on...we love you and wish you were with us....and are thankful that all the love that you gave us.
Ok...back to Birthday!

More pictures from our fun day at City Place. Trevor is skating on fake ice...only in Florida!!!
Yes! Basketball has officially begun and Trevor is so excited! First game is tomorrow. More pictures and videos to come!
I think the strangest adjustment to living in Florida is the Holiday Season. Tonight as I sit at the computer, all of my windows are open and the ceiling fan is the only breeze that feel. Trevor is outside in shorts playing with his friends and Darren is spinning a multitude of kitchen items. It just doesn't feel like November 30th. The mall helps. It is decked out and full of Holiday Cheer.

But I think that this picture symbolizes a Florida Christmas. Maybe we should light up a Palm Tree for goodness sake! (Not a bad idea actually)
But the hardest adjustment of all, is being far away from family and friends. We are thankful to have you all in our lives and are truly thankful for all the support you have given us.
Much love to all.
Happy Holidays