Friday, November 30, 2012

Birthdays, Basketball, and Much More

The boys had a very happy 9th birthday! Thanks to everyone for the cards and gifts. We spent our day at City Place which is one of our favorite spots in West Palm Beach. For all the Virginia folk, this area is very similar to a Reston Town Center or  Old Town Alexandria. There are shops and restaurants and it is just a fun place to walk around and spend the day. You know me, I can't help but to look back at the Journey and remind myself how far we have all come. I remember the day they were born. I couldn't wait to meet them. I couldn't wait to see these creatures that had been expanding my body for months. I couldn't wait to kiss them, smell them, and show them how much I truly loved them already. I'm glad that I didn't have a crystal ball back then. I may have been terrified of all that was awaiting us along the path. Just as Dorothy was met with obstacles on her way to see the Wizard...I too had no idea what it would take to make it to Oz. Being new to the area and to my job. I have had the opportunity to share our story. To share it as a past memory, a hard fought battle, in which we are all now finally starting to see the clouds lift and the Florida sun shine brightly through. I don't really know how Mark and I lived in as many houses and states as we did. I don't know why Darren has autism, or why Trevor is so athletic and determined to succeed in school, or why they love each other the way that they do, or how it all pieced together. But it has. They are nine and they are all that I could have ever dreamed for. I never imagined being the mother of twins, or having a special needs child, but now I can't imagine a life without either. They are the ying and yang of my being just as much as they are a true blessing to each other. On their birthday, I was reminded of how thankful and blessed we really are.

Darren is a gift.  I have always know that, but not always sure how to handle every part of him. Darren has taught me that I don't know all the answers. That if I want something, I have to fight for it...I also have learned to let things believe...and to trust that when you ask for help, you receive it. He is a beautiful, strong boy. That has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. These video are just Darren being Darren these days....underpants, silliness, dance moves, and all.

Trevor Dieste. My straight A student. Wow...he continues to impress me on every level. Besides Green Lantern, he wears his heart on his sleeve and at the young age of nine his Wii age could be 19. He tries hard, still sometimes too hard....but that isn't such a bad quality after all. He's a good, good boy. I am thankful for his smile. I am thankful for his honesty and focus. I am thankful for his love of life and family. Trevor, to me, seems to have found a better balance in Florida. The toll of Daddy working in DE was hard for him, even though he totally understood why and dealt with it like a champ. Now, he is just happier. He seems to have all the most wonderful things in life surrounding him and it is allowing Trevor to be at his best. 

A Moment of Reflection: 
I always wonder what my Grandma Rose would have thought of the boys. No doubt, she would have loved them. No doubt that they would have adored her.  I just will also always wonder what she would have thought about Autism, what gifts she would pointed out to me, what pride she would have taken in their bond, and obviously, I would have loved to watch her love them. I can't help but thank her from time to time for teaching me all that she did...just by being the amazingly, loving person that she was.  It's hard during the holidays not to remember and treasure the ones we have lost. So many times in Florida, I would have liked to have picked up the phone and called Christine, to give her an update on the boys and to listen to hear words that always lifted my heart with hope. Or to look over and be able to see Ken sitting in his chair as he watched the boys climb on everything in site as we discussed the worlds problems. How can we not smile and think about all of the Thanksgivings in Gettysburg as we raked leaves...and then some! The other day I was remembering the dream I had in which Junie told me that Darren would talk...I knew then to believe it would happen. And I can always rely on the Lithuanian in me that makes me "strong, like onion" which helps me stay calm and carry on.   For all that have moved on...we love you and wish you were with us....and are thankful that all the love that you gave us.

Ok...back to Birthday!

More pictures from our fun day at City Place. Trevor is skating on fake ice...only in Florida!!!

Yes! Basketball has officially begun and Trevor is so excited! First game is tomorrow. More pictures and videos to come!

I think the strangest adjustment to living in Florida is the Holiday Season. Tonight as I sit at the computer, all of my windows are open and the ceiling fan is the only breeze that feel. Trevor is outside in shorts playing with his friends and Darren is spinning a multitude of kitchen items. It just doesn't feel like November 30th. The mall helps. It is decked out and full of Holiday Cheer.

But I think that this picture symbolizes a Florida Christmas. Maybe we should light up a Palm Tree for goodness sake! (Not a bad idea actually)

But the hardest adjustment of all, is being far away from family and friends.  We are thankful to have you all in our lives and are truly thankful for all the support you have given us.

Much love to all.

Happy Holidays

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Our Angry Bird

Oh yes, look what I got!


Darren couldn't quite figure out Mommy's Vampire teeth
Happy Halloween

Let's get more candy

Darren would sneak in and grab a piece of candy and quickly say "Trick or Treat"

Watch out Peter Parker

Student of the Month

"Mommy, where's Trev?"
 TREVOR DIESTE: Student of the Month
Congratulations Trevor. What a great honor!!!!!
Trevor shaking hands with the Principal

Receiving his pin from Asst. Principal

So surprised and happy

Very Proud

Hooray for Trevor!
Daddy was so proud

Trevor and his teacher:)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thank you!

Thank you Jen and Mark!
This is the write up that was in the Els For Autism Golf Challenge Grand Finale Program.
Unfortunately Jen wasn't able to attend the Finale because she got sick:( Mark went solo and said it was an amazing event..."over the top" were his exact words. This event raised 2.2 MILLION dollars!!!! . Thanks to Jen for taking on the challenge anddoing a fantastic job!!! Mark was very inspired by the stories shared by other families. It was such a rewarding and informative experience....Thank you to all of you that supported this cause. Thanks to the Els for sharing their Journey and for making a difference in the lives of other families, like ours:)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

How Quickly We Forget

This week was Darren's IEP, which is short for an Individualized Education Plan. I have come to appreciate these meetings since I have been to many over the past 5+ years. It is a time to celebrate successes from the past year and create the new plans for the upcoming year. Well, that's what they are NOW, but back in the day, it wasn't quite like that. During the meeting I couldn't help but to reflect back on the Journey.   The path has been bumpy. Darren has struggled. We have struggled....teachers have earned their stripes and dealt with behaviors from Darren that didn't make me proud. Teachers have been unsure how to handle him at times. Many emails were written by me with hopes of explaining all that I knew about Darren...what worked/what didn't...what was acceptable/what wasn't. Darren has had liquid stitches, bruises, and has bruised others at I said, it's been bumpy.

But, there is light.

This has been the best year thus far. A collaborative effort on many levels. He is at an amazing school. I have said that before, but I will say it again now...I love this school. I have never felt more accepted...and I know that Darren feels the same way.

I listened to professionals around me share stories and target goals that showed me that they "get" Darren. I think the major difference is...I listened. Maybe I have grown just as much as Darren. I have let go enough to listen. As a teacher, I see the strengths and weaknesses in my own students and try desperately to figure "it" out. I know his teachers are doing the same. I see it daily and I am happy.

I didn't know what it would it be like to work at the same school that Darren attended. I was worried that it might mess him up a little. I was content in knowing that he wasn't far away and hopeful that he would feel the same. So is all working out just fine. When I see him outside on the playground or in the hallway...he gives me a look. He acknowledges me...but he doesn't really want me to embarrass him. He's very professional...I'm at school, you're at work...period.

The medicine continues to be a blessing. It is not a miracle pill though. Darren is still Darren. I had to remind myself of this a couple of weeks ago. This medicine is helping tremendously but he still has autism...and he still has behaviors. But this week I was reminded that the behaviors aren't NEARLY what they used to be. For example, he used to spit, scratch, and run away or climb furniture at school. At home he peed on mirrors, ate toothpaste or soap, and could get aggressive. School hasn't seen any spitting. He had a couple small incidents of scratching but immediately felt remorseful and there has been no attempts at climbing or running away. I can't tell you how HUGE that is...Thank You God.

I am counting my blessings...over and over again. This week I was reminded, I can't believe that I forgot, that we have come so far. There are still goals to reach, unchartered territory ahead....but we have survived and conquered many hurdles.

Tag has now turned into Hide and Seek....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Adventure...Through Trevor's Eyes

Today Trevor had to write about why we moved to Florida. We had a great conversation about our Journey. It was wonderful to hear it from his perspective.  He has traveled so far developmentally because of Darren. I think he sensitive to others and very kind hearted. When I asked Trevor what it was like to have an Autistic brother, he answered, "It can be difficult." I agreed, it can be difficult. But whether he truly understands the impact that it has already had on him...I am not quite sure. Trevor is a pretty great kid. He tries so darn hard at school. He was DEVASTATED when he got one wrong on his spelling pre-test at school last week. It was a pre-test...and it was only one wrong. I was thrilled!!!! He was not at all satisfied. We all know he does NOT take after me in this category. Sad, but true. Trevor is very in tune with the emotions surrounding him. He, like I, has had to train himself to prepare for the worst because with Darren you just never know sometimes. When I ask Trevor who is best friend is at school he answers, "Everyone". That goes back to our motto...If you can deal with Darren, you can deal with anyone. We are so proud of you Trevor!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Smooth Sailing

Darren has been always loved music, but lately has been singing! For a kid that struggled so much to is wonderful hearing him sing. This video was taken by him...He likes to hold my iPad over his iPad as he is watching youtube and then he videos himself singing his favorite songs....It's like, Darren Cam! Ha

Next up: ABC's

This was today at the beach! Trevor initiated it, but Darren was really enjoying it. 

Another Gorgeous Beach Day

Trevor found lots of cool shells

Is Darren sitting?????
Yes!! He's playing in the sand!
We are Smooth Sailing:)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

No Dream is Too Big...No Tree is Too High:)

These days, I have High Hopes. We completed Week Three with no major fact, Darren continues to excel and is becoming a role model in his class. For the first time he is using his words to tell his friends how he feels. If others are too loud...he is going up to them and saying so. If another kid grabs his chips at lunch..he tells them "stop that", and when behaviors are increasing in the class he is maintaining his demeanor and continues to do what he is supposed to be doing or he is asking for an appropriate alternative (headphones,break,etc). This is a first and this is a very positive sign. It is almost surreal for me. I have had this vision of Darren and now I am starting to see it evolve. I listened to people tell me that he had no imitation skills, that he was nonverbal, that there was nothing else they could do to help him with his speech because he had such extreme behaviors, that he functioned on a schedule and was not attached to people.  I say...Look at him now. He has proven them all wrong. He has risen above it all. I can't help but to be extremely proud of him these days. I am internally scared to death as well....what if this ends? What if something changes? The medicine is helping him achieve new goals...which means I can dream new dreams....even bigger than before. I never want him to falter again. But, I know every parent feels that way. We all want the best for our kids. Darren has just had such a tough path thus far....I pray for calmer waters from now on.

Speaking of Calm Waters...we visited the Gulf coast this past weekend. SO beautiful. 
Here's another great picture of the Gulf.

On our way home we saw a full rainbow. Once again a doubt.

Trevor had a great week. Fall Diagnostic Testing has begun. He is very serious about school. Went to Back to School night and was very pleased with his classroom and teacher. Hope everyone is having a good start to their school year as well.
Much Love To All.