These days, I have High Hopes. We completed Week Three with no major issues....in fact, Darren continues to excel and is becoming a role model in his class. For the first time he is using his words to tell his friends how he feels. If others are too loud...he is going up to them and saying so. If another kid grabs his chips at lunch..he tells them "stop that", and when behaviors are increasing in the class he is maintaining his demeanor and continues to do what he is supposed to be doing or he is asking for an appropriate alternative (headphones,break,etc). This is a first and this is a very positive sign. It is almost surreal for me. I have had this vision of Darren and now I am starting to see it evolve. I listened to people tell me that he had no imitation skills, that he was nonverbal, that there was nothing else they could do to help him with his speech because he had such extreme behaviors, that he functioned on a schedule and was not attached to people. I say...Look at him now. He has proven them all wrong. He has risen above it all. I can't help but to be extremely proud of him these days. I am internally scared to death as well....what if this ends? What if something changes? The medicine is helping him achieve new goals...which means I can dream new dreams....even bigger than before. I never want him to falter again. But, I know every parent feels that way. We all want the best for our kids. Darren has just had such a tough path thus far....I pray for calmer waters from now on.

Speaking of Calm Waters...we visited the Gulf coast this past weekend. SO beautiful.
Here's another great picture of the Gulf.
On our way home we saw a full rainbow. Once again a sign....no doubt.
Trevor had a great week. Fall Diagnostic Testing has begun. He is very serious about school. Went to Back to School night and was very pleased with his classroom and teacher. Hope everyone is having a good start to their school year as well.
Much Love To All.