Well, I must admit that I did not have time to write a Christmas letter this year:( So I thought I would send a quick update with some pictures of some of our Winter Activities. I must say that it is hard to even type Winter because it is between 70-80 degrees everyday. The boys are still wearing shorts to school and I think that Mark may never wear jeans again. It is truly gorgeous weather. Our windows are open and we can walk around the neighborhood and look at all the extravagant Christmas lights. We are blessed with a a wonderful neighborhood. Kids galore! The boys are so happy and enjoy playing outside with their crew everyday. Trevor is one of the oldest and had taken on the role with a great sense of responsibility and pride. The crew has accepted Darren and they play with him when he is willing and allow him his time when he needs it. Couldn't ask for more.
Yes, Darren ran from Santa once, then came back and did his best to smile. Santa was kind and patient...thank you Santa! We will leave more cookies for you this year.
I am happy to share that I was offered a job in the county as a full time aide to a 3rd grade girl that has a seizure disorder. I will be her one on one aide and I am thrilled to be back on my career track. Trevor currently attends a school that is K-2...and will be changing to a school next year that is 3-5. Well, I will be working at the 3-5 school. It is a large school, 950 kids. The principal and staff are wonderful and I feel that it is a good fit. I will be finishing up at Saks at the end of the month and then starting my new job on Jan 10. Very exciting.
Over the holiday break Trevor will be attending a baseball camp at Roger Dean Stadium. He is really looking forward to that. Honestly, with our crazy schedules, it has been hard figuring out any extracurricular activities. Hopefully with my new job, we can get Trevor back into the sports he loves...that is the goal.
Mark is still working hard at Ruby Tuesday. He has learned so much in a short period of time. It looks like he could possible get moved to a store closer to home...so keep your fingers crossed! Currently he drives an hour each way...hoping to cut that in half with the switch.
Darren continues to do well at school. He went through his typical rough spell..testing everyone that he could...but he has made a turn and is excelling once again. These cycles are just part of living with Darren. I think we have learned to expect and accept them a little more than we used to. The spells are frustrating, but he always comes out of them stronger...maybe we all come out stronger:)
We miss everyone, especially during this holiday season. Much love to all!
Waiting for Santa |
Our REAL Tree |
Christmas Palm Tree |
Trolley to Winter Fun in Downtown Abacoa |
Here we go! |
People everywhere! |
Yes! Snow! They shipped it in! Watching kids play in snow in their shorts was certainly a sight! |
I think Darren was in shock. |
The surrounding neighborhood does a Christmas light display like I have never seen. We went for a walk one night and when I saw this particular one, I started running like I was 8 again. So cool. |
This one had a bubble machine! Unbelievable! |