Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays

Well, I must admit that I did not have time to write a Christmas letter this year:( So I thought I would send a quick update with some pictures of some of our Winter Activities. I must say that it is hard to even type Winter because it is between 70-80 degrees everyday. The boys are still wearing shorts to school and I think that Mark may never wear jeans again. It is truly gorgeous weather. Our windows are open and we can walk around the neighborhood and look at all the extravagant Christmas lights. We are blessed with a a wonderful neighborhood. Kids galore! The boys are so happy and enjoy playing outside with their crew everyday. Trevor is one of the oldest and had taken on the role with a great sense of responsibility and pride. The crew has accepted Darren and they play with him when he is willing and allow him his time when he needs it. Couldn't ask for more. 
Yes, Darren ran from Santa once, then came back and did his best to smile. Santa was kind and patient...thank you Santa! We will leave more cookies for you this year.
I am happy to share that I was offered a job in the county as a full time aide to a 3rd grade girl that has a seizure disorder. I will be her one on one aide and I am thrilled to be back on my career track. Trevor currently attends a school that is K-2...and will be changing to a school next year that is 3-5. Well, I will be working at the 3-5 school. It is a large school, 950 kids. The principal and staff are wonderful and I feel that it is a good fit. I will be finishing up at Saks at the end of the month and then starting my new job on Jan 10. Very exciting.
Over the holiday break Trevor will be attending a baseball camp at Roger Dean Stadium. He is really looking forward to that. Honestly, with our crazy schedules, it has been hard figuring out any extracurricular activities. Hopefully with my new job, we can get Trevor back into the sports he loves...that is the goal.
Mark is still working hard at Ruby Tuesday. He has learned so much in a short period of time. It looks like he could possible get moved to a store closer to home...so keep your fingers crossed! Currently he drives an hour each way...hoping to cut that in half with the switch.
Darren continues to do well at school. He went through his typical rough spell..testing everyone that he could...but he has made a turn and is excelling once again. These cycles are just part of living with Darren. I think we have learned to expect and accept them a little more than we used to. The spells are frustrating, but he always comes out of them stronger...maybe we all come out stronger:)

We miss everyone, especially during this holiday season.  Much love to all!

Waiting for Santa

Our REAL Tree

Christmas Palm Tree

Trolley to Winter Fun in Downtown Abacoa

Here we go!

People everywhere!


Yes! Snow! They shipped it in! Watching kids play in snow in their shorts was certainly a sight!

I think Darren was in shock.

The surrounding neighborhood does a Christmas light display like I have never seen. We went for a walk one night and when I saw this particular one, I started running like I was 8 again.  So cool.

This one had a bubble machine! Unbelievable!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

80 degrees??? WOW!

The Neighborhood Crew

Yeah, it's fun to be in Florida!

Life is Good

The Pool in November??? AWESOME!!!

Come and get me!

The chase is on!



It is so strange to have our Christmas tree up and our windows open! Today was 80 degrees and beautiful.  The boys have the opportunity to play outside with friends everyday. Trevor peer out the back door looking for his friends...as soon as he spots one...off he goes! We are lucky to have a lot of kids around us and a street full of nice neighbors.  We had a very great Thanksgiving...it was nice just being together. Thanks to everyone for making the boys birthday so wonderful. Your calls, gifts, emails, and cards were all greatly appreciated. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.  And last but not least, we are so proud to share that Trevor got straight A's on his report card!!! Not sure Mark and I produced that...but we'll take it.  We are so proud of how hard he working and how well he has adjusted.  That says a lot about his character and drive. Darren.....is changing. That is the best way I can explain it.  I watch him through a different set of eyes these days. I am learning to accept all that he is...all that is was...and all that he can be.  There is no question that he is absolutely in the school, and environment, that he is best for him. Much love to all! Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Still Reading.... and the Other is Singing!!

Darren continues to do a great job with his reading. Mark and I had the unique opportunity to literally be "a fly on the wall" as we watched his classroom via computer in the principals office. It was there that we watched him partake in his everyday activities and he had no clue we were doing so. I was nervous. Maybe I would see things that I didn't want to...Maybe I would see really good things that I didn't expect. I thought for sure I would cry. But instead, I just sat there. I took advantage of situation and just watched him. I laughed when he did something good...shook my head when he did something silly...and through this windowpane I saw the same old Darren that we all know and love. When the secretary asked, "How did it go?" My response was "He's still Darren." I am not saying that in a negative way...I am saying it because Darren is Darren. He is like no other child I know.  He has such an endearing quality about him...but a there's a side of him that will test every patient bone in your body.

One major positive thing we saw was how much Darren was watching his peers. He was really checking them out to see what they were doing. At the time they were singing an interactive song. So he would watch...and then every now then..he'd copy them.  I liked that. Darren seems happy at school, another positive. He is learning a ton...major positive. My major concern at this point is bridging that gap between his receptive and expressive language. So much to say...yet so little functional/conversational language. Sometimes the alien noises that he makes to fill that gap seriously drive me crazy. But, Trevor sings all the time...and talks constantly....so maybe Darren is exploring his voice still and just trying the fill the silence with SOMETHING. It is maddening...BUT he is reading....maybe I should just be thankful.

This week, Trevor has decided to be a singer/song writer. This video is a sneak preview. He are hoping to put music and obviously out together some awesome dance moves....I said "Ya know, you could be the next Justin Bieber" and he said "Umm no, more like Michael Jackson."  Gotta love that!
As their 8th Birthday nears, we are so proud of the boys that they are...and believe in all that they can be.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Reality Is....

That Darren is still autistic in Florida. Yes, he has had a great start to the year...but as expected he has been testing the ropes lately with the school staff. We have been so impressed with Darren's behavior and learning thus far, that it was almost like...we forgot for a moment.  Well, he was happy to remind us:) Darren is so smart, but this time he made a grave error. He showed the staff at RLC just how smart he really was before acting out. So they have already seen his potential, they already know his tricks...too late to back track now. And honestly, in comparison to the "bad" times that Darren has had over the years, his behaviors are on the lower end of the scale. Yet, he is making everyone earn their Darren stripe. Those who have already earned theirs know exactly what I am talking about. I had an IEP meeting yesterday and continue to be extremely impressed with all that RLC has to offer. Their approach is positive and their will is strong. He has already mastered some of the goals that we just put in place in May. They modified some goals because he was already making significant progress...and they added goals that I never thought I would read on a IEP at this point and time. Here are some more videos of him reading and working on his homework. He is really trying SO hard..he's just making the teachers work just as hard these days.
Trevor continues to well in school and really enjoys 2nd grade. His reading assessment showed improvement from where he left off at the end of last year....and bottom line is...he is happy. The class size is great and his teacher is very caring and kind. Trevor is a mature kid for his age. I love that he loves school and adjusts well to new situations. I think a lot of that comes from having to deal with Darren over the years. Having them a different schools has really turned out to be the better path for them both. I had this vision of them being together...but my vision wasn't a realistic one. Trevor does a great job with Darren, no doubt about it...but he also needs a life of his own..to just be Trevor. I am not trying to paint the perfect picture of him..because Lord knows...this kid is a handful as well. He doesn't miss a thing, he is forever singing and talking, he will battle your will, but ultimately win your heart. Much love to everyone!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Latest Videos and Pictures

This is Darren reading a page of his 2nd book! We are so proud and thrilled with his progress. The sentence reads "My home is in a city by the ocean."

Weekend Barbecue at Darren's school

The trampoline that Darren uses daily at school

Water Slides....woo-hoo!

Time to Eat!

Captain of the Playground

The boys playing their own game..but having a ball!
Tennis anyone?

Bring it!
