Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This doesn't surprise me.....he's on a roll now!!! Great job Trevor!!!

OH and Darren's phrase of the day: "Walk the path"

Ya know sometimes I feel like I am living that movie "Field of Dreams"...I mean if one day he says "If you build it, they will come" I will officially know that God has a true sense of humor:)

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Baseball Boys

THIS IS DARREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, this is a long video.....but probably one of my favorites thus far. I think when you watch it you'll see why:)

Trevor is certainly very talented for his age. He naturally loves sports and is innately competitive. The hard part is teaching him things like leadership, the importance of being humble, and ironically....the importance of being a good student on and off the field. Go ahead and laugh everyone...yes.....this is a "full circle' moment. SO about a week ago we were getting ready to go to bed and I was super tired "shock" and I think Darren was in bed watching a movie and Trevor was not ready to hit the hay quite yet. So I suggested that he get some books and we could relax and read some books together. Honestly I was just hoping that I could close my eyes while he looked at the pictures:) but he seemed interested in reading so I sat up and regrouped and began pointing at the words...simple words...his demeanor instantly changed. He got VERY silly and shy-like. I am thinking what is going on with this kid.....instant freak out flashes occurred:

"Oh god...does he have a learning disability...have I been paying too much attention to Darren that I missed it????????"

"Oh I am a terrible mom who hasn't read to her child and now he is severely behind!!!!!!!"

"Does he need a tutor at the age of five? Do they have such things?" Good lord how much is that going to cost????????"

and then it hits.....

"OH NO...he takes after ME!!!!!!!"

I broke out in a light sweat and tried not to expose my total freak out mode...and I collected myself. Deep breath, deep breath.....I then think I handled myself very well. I wiped the sweat from my brow and went into a deep discussion on the importance of being smart. Acting stupid isn't' funny...it's just stupid. We started breaking down the words and he struggled. He was trying so hard to please me......or be cute and funny....that he wasn't thinking. I can promise all that I drilled this concept into his little curly head:) and we talked about it a lot now and have made reading our new goal for the summer.

No rest for the weary around here, that's for sure. Darren is on the up swing right now. Lots of talking....even calls me Pam on occasion...HA! He started summer school and has surprisingly adjusted extremely well. There were a lot of new faces this summer and I was worried that he was going to be miserable....I even considered not sending him, but decided that wasn't the best decision for me. I love him dearly.....but to be with him 24/7 all summer was probably not the best for all. SO, hesitantly, I sent him and it has all worked out wonderfully. Who knew...

I will share one last story about Darren which I know I will NEVER EVER forget...and I am extremely happy that I had my mom as a witness. I had just gotten home from working with some clients and was sharing my experiences with my mom. My work right now keeps me very centered and I enjoy the challenge. It helps motivate me to try new things with Darren and also accept and recognize how far he has come. So as I was telling my mom this, Darren comes around me and I look at him and say" you amaze me" AND I AM NOT KIDDING WHEN I TELL YOU THAT HE RESPONDED WITH THESE EXACT WORDS

Darren: "Believe"

Me: "Believe?"

Darren: "I'm not broken"

Needless to say, my mom and I cried our eyes out. It brings tears to my eyes now. It was a true divine message that needed to be heard on that particular day.

So I will end this by saying......I do believe:)